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October 16, 2024


The importance of accurate labeling in medical devices: a personal and professional perspective

Warren Lesack

Senior Account Executive, Life Sciences

In 2020, I faced a life-changing event that reshaped my understanding of the critical importance of accurate medical device labeling. On October 14th, I experienced a heart attack. It was a gradual onset, not the dramatic chest-clutching pain often depicted in the media or what you might see on TV. My symptoms included persistent jaw and upper back pain and an overall feeling of malaise. It wasn’t until I was in the hospital that I realized the severity of my condition. 

Upon arrival, an electrocardiogram (ECG) showed no immediate abnormalities, but my troponin levels (a protein marker indicating heart muscle damage) were alarmingly high. I was quickly rushed into the catheterization lab. A catheter with a balloon on the tip was guided to the blocked artery. The balloon was inflated to widen the artery, then deflated and removed. A stent was then inserted and expanded to keep the artery open and blood flowing. Throughout the procedure, I remained conscious and engaged in conversation, much to the surprise of the medical team. 

As someone who works closely with the medical devices industry, I was acutely aware of the importance of the devices being used. The sheath, catheter, and stent, each marked with precise production data mandated by regulatory bodies, were integral to the procedure that saved my life. These devices that are manufactured, packaged, and shipped by our clients at Loftware, were labeled with critical information ensured by our software. This fact brought me immense comfort and reassurance during a frightening time, knowing that the stent keeping me alive was accurately labeled with the high standards we advocate for every day. 

I was thankful and somewhat relieved when I was handed my stent card and found out that the stent, which I received was from one of our customers, Boston Scientific Corporation.  Little did I know that I would be managing their account and relationship with Loftware shortly thereafter.  It’s a very personal connection for me in supporting their labeling and packaging efforts, one that I truly take to heart. 

This personal experience underscored the vital role of accurate labeling in patient safety and care. The medical devices used during my procedure were not just products; they were lifesaving tools whose efficacy depended on the integrity of the information provided on their labels. This realization has reinforced my commitment to advocating for robust labeling solutions that support patient safety. 

Fast forward to 2024, and my perspective has only deepened. In my recent article on patient-centricity, I emphasize that precise labeling in healthcare is paramount. Medical devices, whether used by healthcare professionals or patients at home, rely on clear and accurate labeling and instructions to ensure proper use, reduced risk, and achieve optimal outcomes. The importance of compliance with regulations cannot be overstated, and over recent years Unique Device Identification (UDI) systems have been implemented globally. Whether it’s the USA’s FDA UDI, Europe’s EU MDR, India’s CDSCO, or China’s NMPA, countries from north to south and east to west are adopting UDI. UDI improves patient safety, enhances the traceability of medical devices, and streamlines regulatory processes. These regulations ensure that manufacturer details, device purposes, and instructions for use are clearly communicated, helping to avoid potentially life-threatening errors. 

Recalls due to labeling issues highlight the critical need for accurate, cloud-based labeling solutions. Disparate and disconnected systems increase the risk of data integrity challenges, which can directly impact patient safety. Cloud-based solutions integrate seamlessly with enterprise systems like Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and Product Lifecycle Management (PLM), reducing manual data entry and the associated risks. This integration not only ensures the accuracy of labels but also improves time-to-market for medical devices, ultimately benefiting patients and healthcare providers alike. 

Reflecting on my journey from patient to advocate, I am more convinced than ever of the importance of what we do at Loftware. Accurate labeling is not just a regulatory requirement; it is a safeguard for patients, a cornerstone of quality assurance, and a critical component of healthcare. By leveraging advanced labeling solutions, we can help ensure that more people, like me, receive the right care at the right time, ultimately saving lives. 

To learn more about how data integrity mitigates risks, ensures quality, and positively impacts the medical device product lifecycle, read our UDI whitepaper


  • Cloud
  • Regulatory
  • UDI