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May 24, 2024


Das Gleichgewicht wiederherstellen: Nachhaltigkeit in der Life-Science-Lieferkette

Wie Sie nachhaltiger werden können, ohne Kompromisse bei Qualität oder Kosten einzugehen. Cloud-Lösungen bieten einen Weg in die Zukunft

Environmental footprint reduction is something that life sciences companies cannot afford to ignore, but it doesn’t need to be costly. Innovative technology can support sustainability approaches that offer a way for businesses to reduce their overheads, enhance their reputation, and be more commercially competitive.

From pharmaceuticals to med tech, all life sciences organizations are operating in a highly pressurized landscape. Regulators demand greater traceability and safety. Customers want an effective product that is easy to use. Sponsors and policymakers demand ever-accelerating progress in eliminating carbon emissions and material waste.

Download this report to see how life sciences organizations can not only reduce their environmental footprint, but benefit from

  • reduced regulatory risk,
  • higher customer satisfaction,
  • stronger Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) credentials,
  • and lower overheads at once. 
  • Cloud
  • Regulatory
  • Lieferkette
  • Klinische Studien
  • Lieferanten-Etikettierung
  • Etikettierung
  • Nachhaltigkeit

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